Loreto Day School, Bow Bazar, Kolkata
Loreto Day School, Bow Bazar, Kolkata

Recommendation to Parents

Home / Rules and Regulations / Recommendation to Parents
  • We acknowledge that the parent is the first and foremost educator. The school welcomes communications, participation and, collaboration based on mutual trust and understanding.
  • The diary is reserved for notices, homework and other instructions. It must be brought to school each day and produced for inspection whenever required. Parents are informed that occasional remarks from teachers are conveniently sent through these pages and they are encouraged to do likewise. Parents are requested, therefore, to check their daughter’s diary every day. They are requested to sign the notices in them, as proof that they have read them.
  • Parents’ positive co-operation with the school is necessary for the proper upbringing of their daughters.
  • Parents are requested to read the general Rules of Conduct and Discipline and to note the regulations regarding the payment of fees.
  • Parents are requested to give their children healthy and nutritious snacks. If a child forgets to carry her snacks, she can share with her friends.
  • Parents are requested to ensure that those who come to take the children home are to be present at the hour of dismissal with the Parent copy of the ID Card. The observance of this regulation is of vital importance for the safety of the children and for school discipline.
  • All communication to the school should be addressed to the Principal.
  • For any redressal parents are requested to contact the Principal only.
  • All Catholic parents are requested to encourage their daughters to participate in the Church activities whole-heartedly.
  • Parents are earnestly requested to see that their children attend the school punctually. They are asked to co-operate with the work of the school by enforcing regularity and discipline and by taking a general interest in their children’s progress.