Loreto Day School, Bow Bazar, Kolkata
Loreto Day School, Bow Bazar, Kolkata

Our Goal

Home / About Us / Our Goal
Loreto Day School, Bow Bazar, Kolkata

Our goal is to form women alive to the need of our world, with the knowledge which gives them power to act, and motivated by the love which gives them purpose and wisdom in their action. The education of girls from every social background has to be undertaken so that there can be produced not only women of refined talents but those great persons who are so desperately needed by our times.
The curriculum and co-curricular design is such as to meet the requirements of the goal outlined above. It makes provision for the all-round development of the student –  SPIRITUALLY, INTELLECTUALLY, SOCIALLY, CULTURALLY AND PHYSICALLY.
Enrolment in school implies on the part of the pupil and parents a willingness to comply with the requirements and regulations of the school.
School discipline is intended to create an environment which assists the self-development of students.